With 1.9 billion unique monthly users, Facebook is by far the world’s most popular social network. According to Tracx, 75% of Facebook users spend 20 minutes or more on the site every day. So if you’re looking for an effective place to advertise your real estate listings, you can’t go wrong with Facebook.

Here are some tips to help make sure your Facebook ads bring in the leads you want!

1) Run a multi-image carousel ad.

The carousel ad option allows you to display up to 10 images or videos. Each image/video can have a unique destination URL, which means you can use a single carousel ad to promote 10 different properties. This works particularly well if you have multiple properties in the same neighborhood.

On the other hand, if you advertise just one property per ad, you can use the sequence of images to tell a story about the home, essentially giving them a virtual walkthrough of the property’s coolest features.

2) Link to a special landing page.

For each property you advertise, you need a well-crafted landing page. This is where your visitors will be sent after they click on your ad. Your landing page should include property photos, a brief overview, and a call-to-action (“Contact me to learn more!” or “Download the free property guide”).

3) Use a lead magnet.

Not everyone who clicks your ad is going to be a qualified lead. To learn who’s really interested in your property, you need a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is something useful and valuable that you give away, free of charge, in exchange for a person’s contact information. It’s a way of demonstrating your expertise and value, as well as a tool for building a contact list of prospective buyers.

Consider creating a PDF property guide or report (similar to a listing brochure). Mention this free PDF in your ad and make it a call-to-action on your landing page.

4) Send a follow-up email.

Immediately after someone fills out your form to download your lead magnet, send them a follow-up email to ask if they’d be interested in a showing of your listing.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep the subject line short and sweet: Question about 427 Chestnut St?
  • In the first paragraph, don’t talk about yourself and your experience—talk about the value you can provide to them: This is a really cool property. I’d love to tell you more about it—are you available for a phone call this afternoon?
  • If you sense some resistance, ease off and just focus on nurturing them at this point. Maybe add them to your monthly mailing list and make a note to follow up again later in the year.

5) Make this all way easier by putting these steps into a workflow.

Software like Realvolve’s allows you to create sequences of tasks—called “workflows“—that keep you on track, telling you what to do, exactly when to do it, and who should be on the receiving end. Workflows allow you to create email templates and schedule those emails to send automatically. Your workflows can also organize leads as they come in by applying a tag to each new contact.

Trust me, workflows are a gamechanger. And to make things even easier, we went ahead and put together a buyer lead gen workflow kit to help you get started—click here to download.

Download the free Campaign Kit for Buyer Lead Generation

campaign-workflow-kit-thumbWant to learn more about how to put together an entire buyer lead generation campaign? This kit has everything you need to create a repeatable process for generating buyer leads through a Facebook Ad marketing campaign. Inside, you’ll find checklists, a quick reference for targeting Facebook audiences, and a comprehensive step-by-step guide to building your campaign.

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