a note about the start of realvolve

This Thanksgiving weekend, I was reminded of a note I shared with the Realvolve community two years ago…

SEVEN years ago, to the day, I registered the name ‘realvolve’ with the idea and intent to build simple (haha) CRM software. Looking back, it took months to come up with that name.

Turns out that was the easy part. Everything after that took far longer and was far harder than I ever imagined it would be. But when you discover your life’s work and know it down to your bone marrow…magic happens. Slowly, the right people serendipitously show up, and the Nos slowly start turning into Yeses, and the flywheel you’ve been pushing uphill for years slowly starts gaining momentum of its own.

And it all comes down to one word: Persistence.

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not, genius will not, education will not. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.

Looking through my ‘2010 eyes,’ where we are today as a company has exceeded my dreams. I’m blown away by the quality of people I get to work with everyday. They’re all better than me. It’s humbling. I’m their biggest fan…the company is about them now. It’s their company.

I feel like one of the luckiest guys on the planet and I’m thankful for you all. 

❤️ And best of all, we’re just getting warmed up.
